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AMEYA Soul Place


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With much pleasure we can announce that we'll work together with AMEYA from Poland and we feel honored that she'll be a part of MYTH sporadically...

I've met her during the Mystic School of Inter-dimensional Sexuality training in Holland. She's a devoted , very natural and pure woman. The embodiment of Divine Shakti within her, she's a naturally talented and an amazing bodyworker. My personal experience with her is nothing but extraordinary, so there is full trust and support that she brings something very profound to our center. Whether it's in relaxation, Tantra, trauma release, transformation or high vibrational energy work. She has had an amazing life journey and a wide range of skills which she will explain in the introduction below!

No time known for next visit sorry!

Feel free to make inquiries

+48 798 983 460

*Therapeutic Tantric bodywork can take many beautiful forms but it is not erotic or happy ending massage. Please inform yourself what Tantra is before booking and we are happy to answer any questions you might have.

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My Story

"About 9 years ago I received a massage from a beautiful man for the first time, it was a breakthrough for me, to feel what it means to get something that I have never experienced before ...

It took a few years and finally I believed that I could go this way too. MA-URI appeared - Polynesian body work with the energy of the Maori people. Demanding a lot of self-denial training that has developed many important qualities in me that help me tremendously in these sessions. At that time, I also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the older siblings of MA-URI massage - Lomi Lomi Nui. The road also led me into the spaces of craniosacral therapy, as well as MER - postmontemporal energy release…. 

Exploring these spaces also gives me a wider spectrum in today's work with the body.

2 year ago I decided to buy a one-way ticket…. It took a long time for me to make this decision… I knew there would be no return when I decided for the truth… Tantra is the Truth.


I decided to take a five-module holistic Tantric massage course at the House of Tantra.
For me, it is a breakthrough in working with the body and a breakthrough in knowledge about myself.
What seemed to be my difficulty turned out to be my strength.
Participation in the Lemurian Tantric Massage course led me to the land of Lemuria and the truth about the roots of the ancient spaces of being love.

The transformational retreats in the House of Tantra allow me to look deep inside myself. The exchanges with the participants and the teachers are a constant exchange of information.

This continued fire of transformation is of great importance to the sessions given by me.

Exposing the truth left me with amazement and beautiful difficulty. I am not there to make others feel happy ...

I am here to feel love, joy and happiness ...
I feel that it is an honor for me to embrace everything in love and accept each being.

I'm willing to show the path to anyone who is ready to see it.
I'm Living more and more in the here and now, I know that the only thing that is certain is change.

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Each of my sessions is different and we can decide in the moment what approach is best suited to your needs.

My path of the session leads through the tools that have appeared within my reach, it's an intuitive one-of-a-kind mix.

Please understand that my intimate bodywork always respects the boundaries that are felt in the moment by the receiver.

If you are not ready for certain kinds of intimate touch, such as Yoni / Lingam massage or Yoni Healing (De-armouring) then we don't include this part in the session.

Session time for MA-URI will usually be around 2.5 hours with a price of 180€.

Session time for Holistic / Tantra will usually be around 3 hours with a price of 230€.

It's possible to change these frameworks at your personal needs, which we can talk about when you book a session.

Before the session we always have enough space to do an intake talk and afterwards there's space for integration and some rest.

The experience can differ in time when I personally feel that the session is complete.

It's very important that you prepare a clear intention that resonate within yourself when you receive a session from me.

What do you want for yourself? What do you want to work on, to receive, to let go off? etc...

Type of sessions

֍ MA-URI Bodywork ֍

A very energetic holistic way of massage based on Polynesian Maori knowledge.

(does not include intimate bodywork)

֍ Holistic Lemurian Tantra Massage ֍

Heart Opening Intimate Bodywork with ancient Lemurian connection.


֍ Holistic Intuitive Bodywork ֍

Combining different tools and ways of massage depending what the receiver needs in the moment.

This can go from soft energetic to more intense release work such as (Tantric) De-Armouring.

This session can include intimate bodywork but not necessarily.






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4 HANDS sessions

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Experience the powerful and unique combination of Danie & AMEYA together in a 4 hands bodywork session, also for couples!

Type of sessions

Therapeutic Bodywork

(based on MA-URI, Lomi Lomi, Alchemy of Touch)

 2,5 hour session for 360€

Tantric Bodywork

(Tantra Massage / Tantric Healing / Tantric De-armouring)

3 to 4hr session : 395€

Tantra for couples

(Tantric Healing Massage)

3 to 4hr session : 395€

Contact AMEYA

Language ENG / PL

By preference use Messenger to contact her.

FB :

Tel / Whatsapp : +48 798 983 460

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